
German Updates :)

This week I got to 350 German words learned on Speakly. Hooray!

And today I was listening to a bit of German music, and when this song played. Since I love it, specially on this video, I decided to try to follow the lyrics. And hey, I was actually able to understand a bit of the first verse, and the first 2 lines of the bridge. That’s so cool!

Du hast mich nie darum gebeten,
ich weiß, ich weiß, ja ich weiß.
Es tut dir leid, oder auch nicht,
keine Ahnung, was weiß ich schon.
Es war alles umsonst,
Aber is' okay, es ist okay für mich.

you never asked me
i know i know yes i know
you're sorry or not
no idea, what do I know.
It was all in vain
But it's okay, it's okay for me.

Denn du warst süß wie Honig in meinem Kaffee
Präsent in meinem Kopf von früh bis spät.
Viel zu spät hab ich gecheckt:
Gäb's nen Wettbewerb für Idioten
hätt' ich haushoch gewonnen.

'Cause you were sweet as honey in my coffee
Present in my mind from dawn to dusk.
I checked much too late:
There's a competition for idiots
I would have won hands down.

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